Quality Makeup Air Hoods You Can Trust, Quick Delivery... NSF, UL, NFPA & ETL APPROVED...
Worried about installation? Building Permits? State or City Codes? No problem.Concerned about working with Inspectors? No Problem.The Naks Team can coordinate your installation, saving you valuable time and $.
SERVING restaurant owners, contractors, architects and professional installers nationwide!
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Our short cycle make up air (compensating hood) is not only a superior product in removing grease laden vapors from the air but also replacing the air without causing negative air pressure in the kitchen. This design allows you to use a fresh air makeup air fan. A costly tempered unit is not required as you are introducing the air into the hood not into the room. This allows for the comfort of the employees working in the kitchen to maintain a comfortable temperature for working and does not have hot air blowing down on their head as they are cooking and preparing food.
However, Naks manufactures commercial kitchen makeup air hoods to work for all kitchen applications with the customer’s needs and wants in mind. This is why we manufacture a variety of Makeup hood styles: Compensating (Short Cycle), Perforated Supply Plenum PSP, Back Return Supply Plenum BSP, and you can even use an Exhaust option with using diffusers in the ceiling.
Naks also offers heating and cooling options for makeup air hoods if required. Naks Tempered MUA units are complete in every aspect, with all necessary gas and electrical controls included. Attractive standard features as well as numerous options and accessories insure maximum design flexibility and application versatility. Airflow rates from 800 to 13,000 CFMs with 100% fresh air heated by either Natural or LP gas. Evaporative Cooling and Heat/Cool combination units are available.